When, Arcee and Jack return to Autobot Base, Raf and Miko tell Jack that everybody at their school knows about Jack and Vince's race. Later that day, Vince and Jack go racing. Arcee gets angry, and tells Jack to tell Vince it's on.

Until, Vince talks about how "ugly" Arcee is. Arcee doesn't want to do it and Jack doesn't take the offer. Although, Jack tells Sierra not this time and Vince (sometimes refered to as the bully) tries to show off and give Sierra a ride. One day, Sierra asks Jack for that ride on his motorcycle, as Jack promised. Knock Out starts to develop interest in Human illegal car racing. The Energon Harvester is actually the one Ratchet made. Suddenly, the Energon Harvester has returned and the Security Guard is confused. Miko lies to the Security Guard and Agent Fowler arrives and gets Miko out. Starscream retreats and Bulkhead is found by the rest of the Autobots. Starscream tries to harvest Bulkhead's Energon, but Bulkhead destroys the Energon Harvester. He finds Starscream, Knock Out and Breakdown. Bulkhead remembers about massive Energon readings in Greece and Groundbridges there. Bulkhead denies Optimus and Ratchet builds a replica of the Energon Harvester. Optimus gives Bulkhead orders of staying at base and not doing anything. The Autobots, with Raf and Jack return back to base. Soundwave steals the Energon Harvester and Miko is caught by a Security Guard. The Autobots wait outside the museum and Breakdown and Knock Out distract them by having a battle with them. Miko, Jack and Raf Groundbridge to the museum and try to get the Energon Harvester. Raf finds the Energon Harvester and it's location is in a museum.

Bulkhead and Miko report back to Base about the Energon Harvester, and Optimus explains that the Energon Harvester can easily harvest Energon, from anything.

Meanwhile, Starscream has a meeting with Knock Out and gets him and Breakdown to help him find the Energon Harvester. Breakdown returns back to Decepticon Base. Then, Breakdown (who has a history with Bulkhead) attacks them. But, Bulkhead sees a picture of Greek Gods.but Bulkhead sees something.Cybertronian, a Energon Harvester. The Autobots pick up Energon signals in Greece.